Wednesday 13 January 2010

Good times

Fear not squirrelians! For i is back, from the dead? sadly no. From drunken stupor? i wish. From the clutches of eviel cyberzombiemutantcats?
Who's asking these questions anyway? And who's answering? is it me? better yet, is it U?

^^ wierdos. Back to reality, so i went to college and started the UCAS application process. Fortunately for me the deadline has been moved from this friday to next friday :D due to freak weather conditions, definitely not caused by me >.> This whole process was surprisingly simple even when the deadline was thought to be mere days away and that i hadn't visited my old school in 2 years, or that they didnt know my name( even though i attended for 7 years) ((<--- not meaning they didnt remember, they just didnt believe me when i told em)) <(( for more information on wtf going here look ahead to further posts))<.

The course im applying for is Computer Games, uh huh thats right, im going to do Computer Games at university, uber nerd or uber awesssoooome!

Drawback is im going to have write my personal statement in 1 day, a task which i failed to complete in 4 months 2 years previous. However, i am in luck, i am indian, i have lots of family, who are also indian, therefore i must know at least 3 people already in the computing business. Henceforth, i know have vast experience in "shadowing" accomplished members of the computing industry, all in the matter of 3 phone calls.

Computer games! ( winkyedy wink)

^ ^